Sunday, April 14, 2013

Behavioural Science Center Seminar: Dr Fuschia Sirois on Procrastination

Dr Fuschia Sirois from the University of Windsor, Canada

‌The Behavioural Science Centre, Stirling Management School, is pleased to offer a seminar on procrastination by a visiting speaker Dr Fuschia Sirois.

Dr Sirois is a leading Health Psychologist, authoring the widely used textbook "Health Psychology" (with Shelly Gable), and publishing widely in this area. Coming from the perspective of psychology, the topic is of interdisciplinary interest, being relevant to behavioural economics concepts such as temporal discounting, perceptions of future selves, and self-regulatory failure. (

All are welcome to join us. Any questions, please contact Professor Alex Wood ( who is hosting. ‌Stop procrastinating and just put it in your diaries! Procrastination seminar


Procrastination is a common and pervasive problem associated with a range of negative outcomes across a variety of life domains that often occurs when people are faced with tasks that are seen as aversive. I argue that as a form of self-regulation failure, procrastination has a great deal to do with short-term mood repair and emotion regulation. Moreover, I contend that a temporal understanding of self and the mood-regulating processes involved in goal pursuit is particularly important in understanding procrastination, because the consequences of procrastination are typically borne by the future self. After summarizing the research on the priority of short-term mood regulation in procrastination, I draw the connection between the focus on short-term mood repair and the temporal disjunction between present and future selves. I present research that exemplifies these intra-personal processes in understanding temporal notions of self characterized by procrastination, and then link these processes to the negative consequences of procrastination for health and well-being. I conclude with a discussion of possible avenues for future research to provide further insights into how temporal views of the self are linked to the dynamics of mood regulation over time in the context of procrastination.

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